
Triaster Platform Frequently asked questions

What are Triaster’s Services Partner Accreditation Standards?

Many of Triaster’s Services Partners are ex-staff of Triaster itself or of our customers, and they have built up a great deal of experience and expertise in working with the Triaster platform.

Authorised Triaster service partners are required to maintain:

  • A Triaster Partner Agreement. This contains a back-to-back agreement with the Triaster Master Agreement that Triaster agrees with our customers (or any overriding customer-specific agreement)
  • Certificated passes in the Learning Management System appropriate to the services being offered by the Partner
  • A pass-through ordering process so that Partner services can be ordered directly with the Partner or via Triaster as decided by the customer – customers do not therefore need to contract directly with the Partner if they prefer to contract with Triaster for services

Triaster Partner Agreements are for a period of 2 years, and are re-assessed on each renewal.