T.U.G. News - June 2017
Linda Spinks presents the latest news from the User Group
It was great to see some new faces at the User Group meeting in April and many thanks to Damian (Atkins) and the team at Menzies Aviation for hosting the meeting at their Heathrow offices (located just across from the runway!). As always, we had some interesting conversations as well as a lot of laughter - so I hope to see more new faces at the next meeting.
Menzies Aviation
As host for the event, Damian gave a short presentation to the group, giving some background information on Menzies Aviation and explaining how as a business they had decided that they needed to:
- Provide clear process transparency across the business via a single source access integrated with their intranet
- Clearly identify RACI across processes
- Begin to measure key deliverables from process handover areas and lead indicators
Just about to go live with the Triaster system, Damian took the opportunity to ask the User Group for advice on how to stucture the system as they expand into more areas of the business. Culturally BPM is very new to Menzies Aviation so there is much more to do - but they feel that they have a plan in place and a team and system to deliver improvement.
Workshop 1: SVG output (Scalable Vector Graphic) and more
Workshop one started with a discussion of SVG output, but moved on quite quickly to other things. An idea of what we covered follows:- Problem: Publish e-mails are being sent to the wrong people (BAE Systems). The solution is available in the Edit Configuration area. Carma (Evans) showed everyone where this is under Settings.
- The new Library Themes which are available from the configuration area were discussed and Carma showed where these can be found from Settings.
- Menzies Aviation asked the group: what would be the best way to structure the library as they bring other countries/regions on-board? Skanska has a model which does this by scripting. This can be done by using multiple sites with an overarching one which has all the mandatory information.
- There was a discussion around some issues people have experienced with Data Manager; these need further investigation by Triaster Support – it may be that an upgrade is required.
- At the University of Cambridge we have used the Triaster E-learning system and are going to make it more widely available. Carma demonstrated the training modules available. Other customers are finding it useful to identify features available but which they don’t currently use.
Triaster update
Jo (Dolton) and Carma (Evans) provided a short update from Triaster.
- Jo explained how the Triaster team is growing with Carma’s move into Customer Success, Matt (Burrowes) doing well in Support and two new Technical Apprentices – Liam (Cousins) and Connie (Hough- Robbins).
- There was a reminder that the old Knowledgebase content is being slowly moved onto the Triaster Website, this is taking time and there are either redirects or new links to help you find the most current information.
- Remember that feature requests can be submitted as usual via
- A run through of recent features by Carma covered SVG and importing native Visio diagrams. We were also advised of some exciting new features on the way, including:
- A Hyperlink Integrity reporting tool and
- Direct publishing of maps, without the need for Visio to process them. This feature will reduce time to publish and help with the speed and stability of other features.
Workshop 2: Going live and getting buy-in
This workshop involved a general discussion about promoting your Triaster BMS. The contributions made are summarised below:
- tRIIO have sent out a video to everyone in the business to show them how to use the library. For example:
- As an app on their iPhone and desktop
- Giving the abilitly to obtain all permits etc. from one place or from their iPhone
- Lone working information for field workers
Other contributors mentioned:
- Challenges with global/national/language across multi-sites and multi-countries
- How operators in the field use business process libraries
- That explaining to the end user, ‘what’s in it for them’ is essential
- The need to address the cultural challenge of process library usage
- Linking to training documentation from the maps helps managers and trainers to support library usage
- Branding and positioning of your library is important
- Disparate systems are challenging when trying to create a library
- Capturing the properties ‘Responsibility’ and ‘Accountability’ can be difficult if there aren’t clear job roles/descriptions
It was noted that a next review of the User Group Constitution should take place at the next User Group meeting.
![a close up of a man in a blue shirt with glasses pointing at a projection screen](https://www.triaster.co.uk/hubfs/TRIASTER/img/TUG%20News/June%202017/tug-2.jpg)
![four people seated at a desk](https://www.triaster.co.uk/hubfs/TRIASTER/img/TUG%20News/June%202017/tug-3.jpg)
![people in business dress sitting at a large desk](https://www.triaster.co.uk/hubfs/TRIASTER/img/TUG%20News/June%202017/tug-4.jpg)
![a close up of a man in a blue shirt with glasses laughing](https://www.triaster.co.uk/hubfs/TRIASTER/img/TUG%20News/June%202017/tug-5.jpg)
![people in business dress sitting at a large desk](https://www.triaster.co.uk/hubfs/TRIASTER/img/TUG%20News/June%202017/tug-4-1.jpg)